Saturday, December 06, 2003

jus came back frm town.hahas.pangsehed them again.lols.sorry ahs.buden gota work toms las.go watch elf.its damn nice.cot it jus much betta den one sucked big time.hahsa.been tinkin las nite also.but i decided on one thing.this world is one big scary place.n life sucks.but im happy with what i have family n my bunch of frens.

posted by: jae @ 8:31 AM

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Friday, December 05, 2003

eh anyone knows how to change a video from avi. format to mpeg, format?or else i cant upload the videos to imagestation la.the videos quite nice.yup.nwiae back to this cruel world again.miss holidaying man.come back hafta worry abt so many things again.when i was in jap nothing seems to b worryin man.hahas.tts abt it.goin to play gunbound laios.ta

posted by: jae @ 10:18 PM

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Thursday, December 04, 2003

im back.feelin sick.ahs.hate lips seems like crackin.niwae the trip was fun overall las.esp disney land.luckily i don hafta listen to some dinosaur roaring in e middle of the night now when sleepin.can finally sleep in peace.shall update more n upload pics bdaes comin!oh wells i don seem to care.i don even feel myself in e bdae mood.what shall i do?

posted by: jae @ 9:27 AM

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