Saturday, April 03, 2004


posted by: jae @ 7:07 AM

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Friday, April 02, 2004

i tink jason marz both u and i veh nice.keep listenin to it.somehow it makes me tink of stuff.but it feels gd.alto the lyrics like quite sad tt kind abt berak up or smth lydat.but sounds to me like he's singing to confess to the gurl he like her lydat.hahas.duno's still passing by day by day.nothing's changed.jus tt it got more tiring.crappin le las.

posted by: jae @ 7:03 AM

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Sunday, March 28, 2004

i tink other den talent what an athlete needs to b outstanding is peserverance.i don haf im destined to b stuck the way i a 3rd today for 4x200.quite happy with tt cos its mie first medal.but i wuldnt haf got it w/o xf's crazy 200m and rj not fielding their best team.after ytd's 4x4 reallie felt like crap la.esp the las 100m of the 400 everything on my mind was whether i shld continue strugglin or jus stop.n aft tt all tt filled my mind was whether to continue training or jus stop.i didnt even felt like runnin today.i jus hope this is anotehr part of mie ups and downs.but i feel tt this down is there to stay.the passion is sort of like gone le.last time durin relay trianins i was damn onz n stuff.could feel the adrenaline even during trainin.but now even durin the competition i tink all i felt was nervousness.i couldnt feel my blood boiling.the urge to xplode n stuffs.argh.duno la.noone can ever understand.

posted by: jae @ 6:36 AM

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