Friday, December 09, 2005

happy birthday to me.hahas.first time ate so many cakes in 1 birthday.yeah.hafta thank my course mates n instructors for the cakes.hahas.but too bad i cldnt get raped.sorry jeremy ure the unlucky one.hahas.yeah.anyway wasnt a bad day for me.but felt quite dui cos in the evening wanted to treat my girl to something nice to eat.ended up eatin nooch cos all the other qs veh long.den ltr when we went up paragon to walk.i discovered that lawrys ribs have 50% discount for the 2nd main course if its ur birthday.felt like killing myself.hahahs.reallie wanted to try eatin tt mans.yeah niwae.this week has been the slackest week in chong pang.hahas.but raelly dread summex mans.ahs.can i take it?hope i stronggggggggg.

posted by: jae @ 8:19 PM

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Sunday, December 04, 2005

sian.going to book in soon again.sucky weekend.only got to come out on sat due to stupid gpmg range which serves no purpose.thanks alot mr T.hopefully this week is slack.yeah.but how can it b slack when there's soc.sucky feelin when ure suppose to commision nxt sat but due to some shit ure comissionin one batch ltr.arghs.whats fun.i dont know.somehow when i come out ill rather be in camp but with more time to rest.and i think i freaking lost my camp pass la.crap.arghs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted by: jae @ 4:45 AM

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